About Us

A person uses a small knife to clean up a manufactured object.

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Oregon Fabrication and Design is the University of Oregon’s premiere advanced-manufacturing center. OFAD consists of modern Fabrication and 3D-Printing labs staffed by very knowledgeable technical individuals. Our strategic investments in equipment and technology enable us to take on R&D, product development, and distinct prototyping projects with ease. We serve both university and non-university affiliates through our center. 

Why we do what we do?

Core values | Educate, Enhance, Empower

OFAD leverages its unique position in the education setting to use its resources and provide experiential learning opportunities to students.

Customers' product development projects fuel the experience learning opportunity for students at the OFAD labs. Students have access to every step of the manufacturing process, which will enable them to gain knowledge regarding the different facets of technical skills and soft skills required to get the job done. Putting students at the center makes them well-rounded individuals upon graduation.

Our mission is to harness University of Oregon’s nano-to-macro level manufacturing resources to unlock and promote experiential learning opportunities for communities. 
Students work at a monitor.
Custom made titanium headplate attachments for imaging.
Our vision is to be the leaders in enhancing manufacturing intelligence.

Value Package

All processes, in house. The fabrication and 3D-Print lab being under one department allows us to utilize the advantages of both technologies as needed. Validating materials and part quality is key for certain manufacturing projects and OFAD has access to X-ray material/alloy characterization tool and a non-contact laser scanner for quality inspection of manufactured parts. If projects require advanced analysis, OFAD is housed at the Knight Campus with access to shared resources such as an Scan Electron Microscope (SEM) and sub-micron level imaging microscopes.




Sam Evers.

Sam Evers

Scientific Instrument Machinist | samevers@uoregon.edu

Sam is a 2013 M.E. alum from OSU. He brings design and assembly engineering experience to the team along with a fair amount of CNC and manual machining expertise.

Jeffrey Garman

Jeffrey Garman

Senior Research Assistant & Machinist, Legacy Shop Manager | jgarman@uoregon.edu

Jeffrey Garman has been an instrument machinist at the University of Oregon since 2004.

Julian McAdams.

Julian McAdams

OFAD Manager, Research Assistant & Machinist | jmcadams@uoregon.edu

Julian is from Atlanta, Georgia where he attended Georgia Tech and received a bachelor's (2010) and master's (2017) of sciences in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. He worked at Georgia Tech as a research scientist and lab manager from 2012 to 2018. There he fabricated equipment, completed field research, and managed lab spaces. In 2018 he and his wife, Mary, moved to Oregon to continue work as a research scientist and a machinist with OFAD. Julian has great knowledge of CAD/CAM/CNC work as well as use of the many manual machines that exist on campus. He looks forward to further improving his knowledge of fabrication techniques as his career continues at the UO.

Marcus Polk.

Marcus Polk

Student Shop Assistant | mpolk@uoregon.edu

Marcus is an undergraduate student at the University of Oregon, pursuing a physics degree. After four years of robotics club at his high school, Marcus gained a love for subtractive and additive manufacturing. He has been applying his knowledge and experience gained in the fabrication lab in his physics research with Professor David Allcock. Outside of work, he enjoys biking and birding.